Source code for fennel.client.aio.waiting

import asyncio
from typing import Iterable

from fennel.client.aio.results import AsyncResult

[docs]async def gather(results: Iterable[AsyncResult], task_timeout=10, return_exceptions=True): """ Multi-result version of .get() -- wait for all tasks to complete and return all of their results in order. Has the same semantics as `asyncio.gather`. """ aws = [r.get(timeout=task_timeout) for r in results] return await asyncio.gather(*aws, return_exceptions=return_exceptions)
[docs]async def wait(results: Iterable[AsyncResult], timeout: int, return_when="ALL_COMPLETED"): """ Wait for all tasks to complete and return two sets of Futures (done, pending). Has the same semantics as `asyncio.wait`. """ aws = [r.get() for r in results] return await asyncio.wait(aws, timeout=timeout, return_when=return_when)